Welcome to Valley Medical Group
We are glad that you have chosen us to be a partner in your healthcare. Here are some important things that you can do to assist us in providing the best care for your first visit.
Please contact your previous provider, complete a medical release form, and request that your medical records with their office/practice be sent to Valley Medical Group.
Please bring the following items to your first visit:
Documents: If you had access to your previous health records, please take a moment to print the notes/summary from your last visit, your vaccine record and any recent preventative health studies (mammogram, Pap smear, colonoscopy, Cat Scans).
The bottles of any medications you are currently taking.
Copies of your health care proxy and MOLST forms.
Notes that you may have about any pertinent family history.
A list of specialists that you see with their contact information.
A list of any surgeries you have had with dates and a list of your medical conditions.
Please check out our website (vmgma.com) for more information about our practice.
We are looking forward to meeting you and participating in your care,
The Valley Medical Group Health Care Team
Valley Medical Group Practice Information
VMG has four offices-Greenfield, Amherst, Northampton, and Easthampton.
Patients will be assigned to a Primary Care Team at one of our offices for most of their care. Patients may receive care at any of one of our practices for urgent needs.
Our offices generally open at 7AM. If you have a new health concern, you may call the office for a same-day appointment after 7AM.
We have urgent care hours in each center, Monday through Friday from 5-6 PM and Weekend urgent care hours as well-see website vmgma.com for hours. Call your main health center to access these appointments.
There are nurses and physicians on call 24/7 to provide advice and care for emergencies. Please call your primary health center number to reach a nurse if you have an urgent need when the office is closed. If your need is not urgent please call during normal business hours or send a patient message in our portal.
VMG patients are encouraged to be on our “Patient Portal”. We use the portal as our main form of communication with patients. Please make sure that you sign up at reception. Support in using the portal is available by emailing: portalsupport@vmgma.com.
Virtual Visits are available to our patients for some conditions if you are within the state of Massachusetts.
Valley Medical Group strives to help you “live longer better” and has a robust preventative health program to reach this goal. We work to make sure that you remain up to date on preventative screening for breast and
colon cancer as well as working to optimize your blood pressure and other health risks. During registration you can tell us your preferred methods for outreach about your appointments and screening.
VMG has several VMG specialists that partner in your care: Podiatry, Endocrinology, Nutrition, Diabetes Education, Sports Medicine, Optometry, Physical and Occupational Therapists, Behavioral Health Specialist, and Psychiatrist. Ask your provider for a referral.
VMG has a full-service laboratory and Radiology department that offers mammograms, ultrasounds, and plain x-rays.
Your lab and radiology results will be available on the portal for your review within 3-5 business days. Your Primary Care Team will reach out if there are significant findings that need to be addressed.
We ask that you call your pharmacy to request medication refills.
Thank you for choosing our practice.
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